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Consulting offer


Alignment of business & corporate culture

We are experts for the alignment of business and leadership. We know how to create a close connection of your business strategy and your corporate culture.


  • Clear, senseful entrepreneural goals
  • Alignment of aspired habits with the actions of board members
  • Aligned implementation strategies of all business units and areas

Cooperation of 1. and 2. management level

Cooperation in and between the 1. and 2. managemet level is key for the success of every coporate change effort. We know how clear roles and responsibilities on the first and second management level look like and how they can be implemented sustainably in the whole organisation


  • Trustful and open cooperation
  • Clear and aligned responsibilities
  • No back delegation, no ressort egoism
  • All are pullig together in one direction

Performance improvement 

Managers learn in our training and coaching how to work unprejudiced and without specific results in mind on the development of their direct reports to achieve a higher level of their working results.


  • Trustful relationship on equal eye level between managers and their direct reports
  • Direct reports see themselves understood and taken seriously
  • Higher performance (ca. 20%) in breadth

Generating business

Sales and Customer relationship people learn in our training and coaching how to work togehter with their customers in an unprejudiced way and without sales pressure. They learn how to create a trustful talk with their customers so that they give them  access to their whole business potential.


  • Trustful relationship on equal eye level between customer and sales person
  • Customers show their full business potential
  • More follow-up business
  • Simple and fast order processing



Voluntary change

We know that individual change can
also take place without problem pressure. Our workshops, trainings and coachings are free of concepts how human beings can be motivated and how they are functioning.
We work with a combination of real events, human values and individual orientation. In this context everybody can take over responsibility for his actions and  change
voluntarily what he wants to change.



We are a small team of experienced consultants, coaches and trainers. We act flexible with changing conditions in our work, based on on our education and our variety of sectoral and project experience.
We see us not obliged to any methods or consulting approaches.

Effectiveness is important for us to create optimal impact for our clients in achieving their goals.


Structural Thinking

We have learned to recognize, analyse and change repeating patterns and structures of human behaviour in organisations. This know how is the basis for the effectiveness of our consulting, training and coaching. Recognizing the driving forces of these patterns and structures creates clarity and energy to achieve personal and corporate goals.