Leitl Consulting Frankfurt · management cooperation · roles and responsibilities · cooperation board and executive level · Leitl Consulting Frankfurt
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Leitl Consulting

Johann Leitl
Lyoner Straße 14
D-60528 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49-69-66554497
E-Mail: info@leitl-consulting.de

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... by clear roles and responsibilities on and between board and executive level

Cooperation training of 1st and 2nd management level

The clearer the differentiation of roles and responsibilities between board and executive level the higher the level of professional cooperation of these management levels. In our three day cooperation training with each of the two management levels, all participants...

  • learn from finding solutions for own cases of cooperation, where the results have been below expectations, how to coach executives and how to consult board members
  • learn from a common creating experience how real teamwork looks like
  • create after the training improved results with real economic effects based on a higher level of cooperation

The learnings will become sustainable by an implementation coaching and monitoring one, three and twelve months after the training.

Management conferences of the 1st and 2nd management level

A clear understanding of roles and responsibilites on the board and executive level becomes will become part of the common mind set only after a real experience. We create management conferneces in which the members of the two hierarchy levels work most of the time in separate rooms on their issues and tasks according to their roles and responisbilities.

They meet in one room only to clarify the committment for their working results.
This procedure directs the focus of each management level on the effectiveness of their own doing and on their own responsibility for the status of their cooperation and cohesion.

Implementation monitoring and -coaching

Despite high motivation to implemement all learings after the cooperation training, the risk is high that many intended improvements get lost in the daily business. We support a susutainable implementation with three implementation monitorings, one, three and twelve months after the training or after the management conference to analyse and evaluate the progress of each participant. Each participant reports his implementation results in a structured form via email to the trainer who gives a summary of all answers back to all participants. In this context the trainer is also available for answering implementation questions via email to all participants.

The personal and economic effetcs can be maximized with two implementation coachings two and four weeks after the management training or confernence. The implementation coachings will take place in the working environment in a very timeefficient way within one day for all participants of the training.